There is still time for you to create one or more entries for the PUDDLE customization contest! There are four categories: (1) customized full-sized dolls (must have new or significantly altered chips, wig, faceup, and clothing); (2) modified full-sized dolls (anything less than as described in number 1, so a stock doll with a new wig and chips would qualify); (3) customized and modified mini dolls, including Angel dolls; (4) any doll, stock or customized, in an outfit completely made by the contestant.
There will be multiple prizes, depending on the number and kind of entries. Each person can submit up to four entries total. (All four can be in one category, or one in each, or any combination across the categories.) You do not have to make the outfits of the dolls in the customized and modified categories (although you can), as long as you note on your entry form who did make the clothing. The exception is the fourth category, which is specifically for an outfit as designed and made by you.
Complete rules here:
Entry slips will be handed out at the event, or you can go ahead and type/write up the information and bring it to PUDDLE. Your entry will be given a number at the event.
Go have some fun and customize/modify/create!