Sunday, July 18, 2010

I've updated the PUDDLE website with a new banner (thanks to Stephanie Mansell!) and the hotel code for next year. It's the same as last year - PDS. The guest room rate is $74.

The first "registration" deadline is December 10. Anyone who registers by that date will receive four free raffle tickets.

There won't be much happening for the next few months, but if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions at any time, please let me know!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I have attached the thank you letter I received for our donation to help sea turtles affected by the Gulf oil spill.

Reports about and photos from PUDDLE 2010 have been sent to 7 magazines - be on the lookout! And let me know if you see one of the stories. The magazines are: Adore (online only), Ningyou (from the Dolly Market Forum), Doll Reader, Haute Doll, Dolls, Doll Collector, and Fashion Doll Quarterly (FDQ).