Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thanks to all for another successful PUDDLE! I had a great time - I hope all of you who attended did too.

PUDDLE is solvent this year! I have been reimbursed for my expenditures (which include purchasing Lala and Chanti, ordering the infamous mugs, and making bookmarks and the like) from registration payments, and the rest of the registration fees plus a generous contribution from PS will cover the cost of the meeting room. We sold about 60 gift bags and had about 70 people in attendance (compared to 44 gift bags and 60 in attendance in 2009, and 30 in attendance the first year).

I am not quite done sorting out the money from raffle tickets, but thanks to your generous support we raised at least $350. We'll keep $100 for seed money for next year's PUDDLE. I will send $200 to our charity group, the Willowbrook Wildlife Center, and I'd like to find an organization working to rescue sea turtles in the gulf for the rest. Five of us visited the Willowbrook Wildlife Center Sunday and we were very impressed. There were animals in various stages of rehabilitation and permanent residents all over the place, and it is obvious that they do good work.

If you have any feedback on this year's PUDDLE or suggestions for next year, please let me know. The number one comment I've heard so far is that we need more tables around the edges. I agree, and I will be discussing that with the event manager if we decide to stay at the same hotel in 2011.

Payment is due on the website. If you'd like to sponsor one month of hosting the website without advertisements, please let me know. Sponsorship is $5 for a month and your name will appear on the list of sponsors:

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