Friday, June 17, 2011

Take the PUDDLE 2012 survey!

Thank you to everyone who has given feedback on PUDDLE 2011. If you are interested in PUDDLE 2012, please take a few minutes to fill out the following survey:

Some of the feedback received so far:

- Most people requested that PUDDLE stay in the Chicago area and at the Elk Grove Village Holiday Inn specifically. However, there is a chance to vote formally on the survey.

- There were requests for more vendors with a greater variety of items for sale. I agree! The vendors we had were great but the Doll Peddlar was certainly missed. If you know of a person or a shop who might be interested in selling at PUDDLE, please tell them about it once the date is set. (We did have several individuals and one doll shop who were going to sell this year but had to cancel.)

- Someone requested an art contest, so this is a reminder that there is an art contest. It's at the same time as the photo contest. This year we only had two art entries; as soon as we receive more, the photo and art entries will be judged separately. The photo/art contest is held online before PUDDLE (1) to give people who can't come a chance to participate and (2) because we only had a few entries when we held the contest at the event.

- Several people requested chocolate on the tables! If we have a little leftover cash next year, that's a possibility. :-]

- Someone requested a two-day PUDDLE. I think that's an intriguing idea, but it would mean raising twice as much money! Feel free to comment on this idea on the survey.

- There were requests for more workshops. I'd love to see that too, but it does mean we need volunteers to lead them. If you are interested, please let me know.

Monday, June 13, 2011

PUDDLE 2011 a great success!

Another PUDDLE has come and gone, and I think this year's event was the smoothest yet. As some of you know, I wasn't feeling my best Saturday morning and it was wonderful how, with just minimal direction, everyone just took care of getting everything set up. A big thank you to everyone who helped make the event a success. We raised over $500 for the Willowbrook Wildlife Center. I also got a wonderful number of nude dolls for my housing authority doll programs. I should be set for at least two years.

There are threads on a number of doll forums where you can post comments or photos of PUDDLE to share with others who were there and those who weren't able to make it this year.

I will be writing up stories to submit to doll magazines in the next day or so. If you'd like to contribute photos, please email your best five to ten high resolution (right off the camera - no resizing) photos to me as soon as possible. (It is much easier for me to submit photos if you email them to me.) Please include your real name to be listed as the photographer.

Planning is already underway for PUDDLE 2012. If you filled out a survey at the event, thank you. If you have any comments on (1) where next year's event should be held; (2) what next year's theme should be; (3) what organization we should raise money for next year; or (4) anything else, please email it to me. Also, we are looking for bait dolls or heads to be turned into next year's customs!

One good bit of news - the hotel told me they had raised the meeting room rates when I booked the room last June. To my surprise, when I got a receipt, they charged us the same rate as last year! So that saved us over $100 which can be used as seed money for PUDDLE 2012.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I've created an event thread for PUDDLE at the PullipStyle forum. Please feel free to post even if you aren't coming!

Spotlight on: charitable opportunities! Money from the raffle prizes will go to benefit the Willowbrook Wildlife Center:

The Center is about 10 miles from where PUDDLE is taking place. The Center is a wildlife educational and rehabilitation center that is home to 80 native Illinois animals, including permanently disabled eagles, songbirds, owls, racoons, and foxes. Last year they had sandhill cranes, which inspired the theme for this year. Everyone is invited to visit the Center on Sunday, probably shortly after lunchtime. We'll work out the details at PUDDLE. We are likely to get a behind-the-scenes tour by staff. Last year we raised over $250- let's try to beat that this year!

Also, I am collecting new or gently used naked fashion dolls for an after-school program at my local housing authority. Around the December holidays, each girl in attendance will receive a free doll and then we'll spend an hour making clothing. If you have naked dolls looking for a home I'd be happy to receive them at PUDDLE.

Less than two days until PUDDLE!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

need a ride? a rider?

Anyone need a ride to PUDDLE, or a rider? Look for one at the forum:

Friday, June 3, 2011

spotlight on the group photo, and we need a tea kettle

PUDDLE is almost here! I hope everyone who is coming is getting ready. Gifts from sponsors continue to arrive - this week I received some darling knitted dresses and tops from Louise Caroline, an adorable dress from applecandy, and three doll carriers from Debbie (salukimom).

Babelglyph is hosting the Friday night tea party at the hotel - can anyone who is driving bring an electric tea kettle? She is flying on Sunday and would rather not drag her tea kettle along for the ride. (Also, a reminder that everyone is invited to the Friday night events, even if you aren't staying at the hotel or can't come to PUDDLE on Saturday).

Spotlight on the group photo: Around 10:30 am we'll gather for a group photo of people holding dolls. If you are uncomfortable appearing in the photo that’s fine, but please stick around – you can take photos, and the door prizes will follow the group photo. Here is one of the photos from last year, which appeared in a couple of doll magazines.