Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New event: WIG SWAP!!

If you are like me, you have a box of extra wigs and one or more dolls that need wigs but not the ones you have. We will have a new event at this year's PUDDLE (thanks to babelglyph for the suggestion).

At a specific time, we will have a wig buy-sell-trade. Bring any wigs you are willing to sell or trade along with your bald doll(s) and meet up with others in the same boat. The dolls can try on any of the wigs available and the humans can work out a swap, a partial swap, or a sale. It's the perfect way to try out some new wigs without buying them first. (And if you need help removing your doll's wig, someone will help you!)

I hope to be "finalizing" the event schedule in the next week or so. I hope you are as excited as I am!

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